Saturday, November 30, 2019

Schweigeminute - Siegfried Lenz Essays - , Term Papers

Schweigeminute - Siegfried Lenz Die Geschichte von Siegfried Lenz erzahlt die Liebesgeschichte des achtzehnjahrigen Christian und seiner nur wenige Jahre alteren Lehrerin Stella Petersen. Kurze Zusammenfassung Die Englischlehrerin Stella und ihr Schler Christian sind ein heimliches Liebespaar, bis Stella bei einem Bootsunfall todlich verunglckt. Die Geschichte beginnt auch mit einer Schweigeminute fr Stella. Das ist warum das Buch Schweigeminute heiSst. In dieser Minute glaubt Christian zurck zu allen was Christian und Stella gemeinsam erlebt haben. Er spricht ber, wie er sich in sie verliebt war, wie ihr erste Date war. Er erzahlt ber alle, die sie zusammen gemacht haben. Stella geht mit einigen Freundinnen auf einen Segelurlaub. Christian fehlt ihr sehr, und sie schreiben Briefen zu einander. Christian ist in der Zeit, die Stella gegangen ist mit etwas anderes beschaftigt. Er arbeitet fr seinen Vater. Es geht schief, bei die Rckkehr von Stella. Das Segelboot wendet sich gegen eine Steinmauer. Stella fallt ins Wasser. Sie sollte wiederbelebt werden aber sie stirbt im Krankenhaus. Ich fand das Buch nicht sehr spannend, Ich wusste auch am Anfang das Ende. Dadurch war es langweilig zu lesen. Das Buch war auch schwierig, dadurch ging es auch nicht schnell. Die Geschichte war schon und es war gut geschrieben, aber ich empfehle die Geschichte nicht zu. Christian ist der Ich-Erzahler. Er ist die Hauptperson und er ist sehr unsicher. Stella ist auch eine Hauptperson. Sie ist eine Englischlehrerin am Lessing Gymnasium. Uber Siegfried Lenz Siegfried Lenz war ein deutscher Schriftsteller und einer der bekanntesten deutschsprachigen Erzahler der Nachkriegs- und Gegenwartsliteratur. Oft steht bei Siegfried Lenz die Darstellung zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen im Vordergrund. Diese Thematik setzt er in seiner Novelle ,Schweigeminute" fort. Er lebte von 17. Marz 1926 bis 7. Oktober 2014. Achtzehn von Angela Gerrits Achtzehn. Mit dem Abi in der Tasche will Sara zum Studium nach Berlin. Weg von zu Hause und mit Max zusammen-ziehen. Saras Zukunft ohne ihre Eltern ist genauso gut geplant wie ihr bisheriges Leben. Doch dann taucht dieser Mann auf. Richard. Steht an ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag einfach plotzlich vor der Tr. Was will er von ihr? Warum reagiert ihre Mutter so aggressiv auf ihn? Und welche Rolle spielt der Mann, den sie bislang fr ihren Vater gehalten hat? Von einem Tag auf den anderen wird alles infrage gestellt, woran Sara geglaubt hat. Und sie steht vor der schwersten Entscheidung ihres Lebens. Ein Buch ber das Leben von ein 18 Altere Madchen. Angela Gerrits studierte in Hamburg Musikwissenschaft, Italienisch und Literatur. Wahrend ihres Studiums verfasste sie erste Horspiele und war fr Horspielbearbeitungen verantwortlich. Nach ihrem Examensabschluss arbeitete Gerrits vorbergehend als Theaterdramaturgin, bis sie ihr Tatigkeitsfeld ausschlieSslich auf das Schreiben verlegte. Aus der Feder der ausgebildeten Sprecherin stammen zahlreiche Horspiele sowie Romane und Kurzgeschichten fr Kinder und Jugendliche Die Hauptpersonen sind Sara und Max. Sara ist endlich achtzehn geworden und mochtet gern umziehen mit Max. Angela Gerrits interessiert den Leser durch das typische Leben eines Noch-Teenagers sehen zu lassen. Es ist ein spannender Roman und das Buch steckt voller Uberraschungen. Das Buch geht auch ber unseres Leben, wie wir Teenagers mit unserem Eltern umgehen und wie wir mit Problemen umgehen. Meiner Meinung nach, war das Buch sehr schon und nicht schwierig zu Reden. Ich liebte am besten, wann Richard an tauchtet. Und das Mysteriose ber ihm. Spater in das Buch mochten wir endlich wissen, wo er ist, und was er macht.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Breast Cancer

In this essay I will be discussing a very serious issue that affects thousands of women each year; breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death of women between the ages of 40 and 49 in North America. This paper will go on to talk about the facts of the disease and who is at risk, prevention, detection and treatments. Although there is no known cure for breast cancer, knowledge of the disease is sure to save many lives. For many women, breasts are a very visible symbol of femininity, â€Å" a focal point of sexuality or fashion as well as a proud source of nurturing new life. For others, the breast is a body part shrouded by custom and religious taboos†. Breasts are made up of several kinds of cells: adipose (fatty tissue), stroma (connective tissue), and the epithelium that forms milk-producing glands. Breast size depends on heredity and body weight. A common misconception is that the larger the breast the greater the risk for breast cancer. VERY UNTRUE. There is not just one contributing factor to the existence of breast cancer. There are numerous causes and by studying these factors we can see who is at high risk. Women between the ages of 25-29 who have used or are using oral contraceptives are 16% more likely to develop breast cancer. As a woman’s age increases so does her risk. For example an 80 year old woman has a 1 in 10 chance of getting breast cancer, while a 25 year old woman has a 1 in 19,608 chance of getting the disease. Only 5-10% of women who develop breast cancer has a family history of the disease. The delivery of a child before the age of 20 causes hormonal changes in the breast tissue which provides modest protection against breast cancer. Delaying the first child until after the age of 30 or not having any children at all increases the risk of breast cancer 2 to 4 times. It could be said that having children might save your life as it has also been proven that breast-feeding... Free Essays on Breast Cancer Free Essays on Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, it accounts for one of every three diagnoses in the United States. Breast cancers are malignancies, life threatening tumors that develops in one or both breasts. A female breast consists of fatty and fibrous connective tissues. The interior of the breast is divided into about twenty different sections called lobes. Each of the lobes is further divided in to lobules, which are structures that contain small milk-producing glands. These glands place the milk into tiny ducts. These ducts take the milk through out the breast and store in a chamber located below the nipple. Breast cancer can either be invasive (spreading) or noninvasive (non-spreading). An invasive cancer penetrates the wall of a duct. This type of cancer is the most common, constituting about seventy percent of all cases. Infiltrating lobular cancer that spreads through a wall of a lobule accounts for about eight percent of all breast cancer. This type is likely to appear in both of the breast, often in seven separate locations. The cause of breast cancer is unknown but researchers are suggesting that estrogen, a hormone produced by the ovaries, may be involved. Studies suggest that the longer a women is exposed to the hormone (i.e. If she starts to menstruate before the age of twelve or if she went through menopause after the age of fifty-five and/or had children after the age of thirty) are at a greater risk. Recently two breast cancer susceptibility genes have been identified. The first one is BRCA1 (a flaw in this gene is common to those who have breast cancer) and the second is BRCA2 (a defect in this gene is associated with breast cancer alone). People who have a mutated BRCA1 gene have an eighty-six percent risk of developing breast cancer by the age of seventy. Women are one hundred times more likely to get breast cancer than men. More than eighty percent of breast cancer occur in women over the ag... Free Essays on Breast Cancer In this essay I will be discussing a very serious issue that affects thousands of women each year; breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death of women between the ages of 40 and 49 in North America. This paper will go on to talk about the facts of the disease and who is at risk, prevention, detection and treatments. Although there is no known cure for breast cancer, knowledge of the disease is sure to save many lives. For many women, breasts are a very visible symbol of femininity, â€Å" a focal point of sexuality or fashion as well as a proud source of nurturing new life. For others, the breast is a body part shrouded by custom and religious taboos†. Breasts are made up of several kinds of cells: adipose (fatty tissue), stroma (connective tissue), and the epithelium that forms milk-producing glands. Breast size depends on heredity and body weight. A common misconception is that the larger the breast the greater the risk for breast cancer. VERY UNTRUE. There is not just one contributing factor to the existence of breast cancer. There are numerous causes and by studying these factors we can see who is at high risk. Women between the ages of 25-29 who have used or are using oral contraceptives are 16% more likely to develop breast cancer. As a woman’s age increases so does her risk. For example an 80 year old woman has a 1 in 10 chance of getting breast cancer, while a 25 year old woman has a 1 in 19,608 chance of getting the disease. Only 5-10% of women who develop breast cancer has a family history of the disease. The delivery of a child before the age of 20 causes hormonal changes in the breast tissue which provides modest protection against breast cancer. Delaying the first child until after the age of 30 or not having any children at all increases the risk of breast cancer 2 to 4 times. It could be said that having children might save your life as it has also been proven that breast-feeding...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Bible Essay Example for Free

Bible Essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA There are many accounts in the Bible that state God as the creator. Genesis 1 and 2 are both creation stories but slightly differ in their accounts; Genesis 1 is a day by day account of all the things God created in not so much detail whereas Genesis 2 explains the creation story in a way that focuses more on the creation of man and woman than just the lands. Having two accounts of the creation story means that it is easier to come up with your own conclusion as to how the earth was created. The first line of Genesis 1 is â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth† There is no explanation as to where God came from or why He is there, He just exists and creates the heavens and the earth. This alone is showing God as the creator. Genesis then carries on to state all the things God created all with no scientific or physical proof or evidence as to why and how God is doing so. â€Å"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them† This quote is from line 27 and is on the 6th day. The repetition of the word ‘created’ is enforcing to the reader that God is the creator of everything and this is done so that there is no doubt in the readers mind whether God is the creator or not. God creating man and woman in his own image is showing that we are superior to other beings such as animals which shows that God is the humans superior. Being made in Gods image is his way of blessing the humans in life as we are made in the ‘Creators’ image. â€Å"Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This quote is saying that God is passing down his ‘ruler ship’ on to the humans. This means that God is starting to ‘back away’ from his previous role and now feels that he has created a world that the inhabitants (humans) can look after. Genesis two is another creation story but has a few differences to Genesis 1. While Genesis 1 speaks a lot more of the specifics of how and when each part of the earth was made, Genesis 2 speaks a whole lot more about the creation of humans rather than the land. The most time that the creation of land is mentioned is at the beginning of Genesis 2. â€Å"This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens-â€Å" This is the first thing said in Genesis 2 and it is stating that God is the creator. It says that God created both the heavens and the earth; there is never any question or vagueness about God creating the heavens and the earth it is all very matter of fact. Although Genesis 2 doesn’t always speak of God ‘creating’ things it often personifies God in such a way that he is planting or making objects. â€Å"And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-â€Å" This quote doesn’t say that God created the trees but made them grow from the ground, this is essentially saying that He created them as it was the first sighting of trees but is said in a different way as so not to force the ‘creation’ down your throat like Genesis 1 does. This is so that you can come to your own conclusion about which one is more plausible or correct but there is still no doubt as to god being the creator. Job 38 from the Book of Job is a story of how Satan and God have a disagreement where Satan was saying that Job only worships God because he is prosperous in his life, God then agrees to take away all his possessions and leave him with nothing to show Satan that Job would still worship him even if he was left with nothing. Job’s three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar try to comfort Job but they end up doing the opposite and tell Job that the reason for all his losses is because he has sinned and now God is making him suffer. In the end Job has had enough and questions God, this makes God angry and then Job has a better understanding and realises that he should have trusted God all along. God then returns all of Jobs health and possession in better amounts than they previously were. This story is God showing his power and his superiority to humans. â€Å"Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? † This is God saying that he is mightier than any human and they do not compare to His power. This is also showing that God is omnipotent and that we know nothing compared to him. This is all enforcing that God is the creator and better than all the humans. â€Å"Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn it’s place,† This is saying that God has dominance over everything in the world, humans and nature. After Gods account of all his majestic works (such as the world and humans) and power, Job has to acknowledge God’s right as creator to do as he pleases and to not be questioned. Job is essentially the personification of all humans who do not believe god as the creator, Job doubted God and his ability so god became angry; this is supposedly what happens every time someone doubts God. Psalm 8 is a song about the lord God and his creation. â€Å"You have set your glory above the heavens† While this quote form the first verse isn’t directly linked to God being the creator it is saying that God has stated his glory in a way that so far in this psalm we do not know yet, we know that God has glory which could mean he has done something great. â€Å"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers† Now we start to work out what it is that causes God to have glory, â€Å"the work of your fingers† we are literally told that God has made the heavens with his ‘fingers’. This personification of God shows that people saw him as one of them but also appreciated his greater power, this could possibly relate to humans being made in God’s image. â€Å"you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings† This quote is, like Job 38, stating God’s dominance over the humans. God made humans a little lower than heavenly beings so that they knew their place and that they were lesser than himself ‘the creator’. Bible. (2018, Oct 23).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Politics and Policy Reform In The US Research Paper

Politics and Policy Reform In The US - Research Paper Example During the Golden age, America was faced with the difficulties caused by increased industrialization and urbanization. The challenges prompted the government and political leader to advocate policies to control the emerging big businesses and the welfare of the general public. The federal income tax policy was passed during this time. Moreover, the outcry of the populist reform agenda ensured that senators were directly elected by the people to represent the government of the state in legislation and other national policies. These policies were driven by a progressive movement who late formed a political party in 1912 (Rutgers, 2014). However, the policies have the support from both the Republicans and the Democrats. President Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, as well as William Howard, argued that they were Progressives. Policy issues have been emanating from the public and unto the politics. The group of writer’s journalist referred to as the muckrakers were responsible for noticing the failure of the American society in early 1900. They build public awareness of the need for change to avert the emergence of a crisis. For example, The Shame of the Cities written by Steffens’ attached the corruption in the municipal councils. Moreover, History of the Standard Oil Company exposed the malpractices of John Rockefeller’s (Rutgers, 2014). These issues raised by public entities formed the basis of a major political appointee to the office of the President (Rutgers, 2014). The history of health care reform date back to late 1800 until the passage of the recent health Acts by the Senate. It has been over a century for the establishment of a government universal health care (Palmer, 1999). An earlier political leader had argued that they were on the roadmap to success, but they ended up failing during a vote in Congress.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Steve Jobs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Steve Jobs - Research Paper Example To illustrate, Steve always used to emphasis on the significance of product design. He is a perfectionist innovator who has the ability to foresee the changes in firm’s technological and environmental trends. It has helped the company to design new products according to the preference and requirement of the changing world. According to his vision, the esthetic appeal of a product is highly significant as it has considerable influence on people. Perhaps his aggressive and demanding personality is the latent of his leadership quality. His potential has been proven as he contributed reasonable part in the field of music, movies, and technologies while he was not the part of Apple. Jobs, for the first time achieved the concept of full-length animation movies on computer with the support of George Lucas, the film director. Apple iPod is the best example for his innovative ideas which his competitors could never envisage. Jobs always believed that the quality of product is the key f actor of business success. His comment on his resignation from Apple reveals his attitude; â€Å"getting fired from Apple was the best thing that ever could have happened to me† (Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy, 52). He also maintains a win-to-win business concept which gives greater importance to collaborative information sharing and problem solving. For instance, Apple with the collaboration of Motorola introduced ITunes phones. The victorious achievement in business has made him the icon of modern entrepreneurship. It was his leadership quality and positive attitude that led him to be the lead business tycoon among the computer companies. Soon after the invention of Macintosh, he was criticized for his ineffective management and leadership because his contract with Bill Gates had been a failure. His aggressive and demanding nature was a barrier to employee relation. However with his reentry, the Apple witnessed

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impact of Public Debt on the Economic Growth Essay Example for Free

Impact of Public Debt on the Economic Growth Essay Government debt is also known as public debt. It is the debt owed by a federal government to the internal or external sources. It is required when the stocks of government securities are insufficient to cover previous budget deficits. Budget deficits occur when the level of government expenditures exceeds its revenues. Based on macroeconomic theory, the level of government expenditure must be positive with the economic growth. The higher the expenditure, the higher will be the economic growth. Government expenditure can be divided into productive and unproductive expenditure. Productive expenditure will be contributed to the economic growth in a few years’ time. Meanwhile, the unproductive expenditure will lead to the decline in the economic growth. Productive expenditure comprise of education and health. Besides, the unproductive expenditure consists of expenditure like pension and subsidies. Meanwhile, high budget deficit will reduce the level of economic growth. In order to finance additional expenditures, the government will borrow money from internal sources. Since the demand of the loanable funds is also derived from the private sector, additional demand from the government will boost the interest rate. Consequently, high interest rate will distort the level of investment. Finally, the lower level of investment will lead to lower economic growth for the country. In addition, high public debt will also result to a financial crisis. If a country is experiencing a trend of an increasing public debt, the investors may be worried about the capabilities of that country to pay its debt. Apart from that, they will ask for higher interest rate as a safety and profitable measures for them to keep financing the deficits. An increase in interest rate can distort the level of economic growth and would create financial crisis. Besides, it is also acts as an obstacle to the development because it will weakens the government’s ability to achieve macroeconomic stability. It comprises the stability of inflation, interest rate and exchange rate target. It will also create adverse incentives associated with future taxes. High debt also will stop the social and developmental progress. Malaysian economy may not be able to achieve high and sustainable economic growth in the long-run if the federal government keeps borrowing money from the domestic sources in order to finance the budget deficit. However, there is no such evidence to conclude that the external debt can distort the economic growth in the long-run.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Capital Punishment is Not an Effective Crime Deterrent Essay -- essays

While Capital Punishment has been one of the most feared things of our time, it is still being questioned if it is unconstitutional. The Death Penalty is being enforced in more than 100 countries in the world and are usually used in politically-related cases. Although it has been the case in many countries throughout the world it has been said that the Death Penalty is "cruel and unusual punishment" which is a direct violation to the Bill of Rights. Capital Punishment is a certain copy of the earliest days of slavery, when you had no rights or any different opinion, and like then, executions have no place in our civilized society. The Death Penalty, throughout it's years of existence, has always been against the views of the people, either because of it's brutality or because of it's lack of effectiveness. The Death Penalty has been opposed by the people since the beginning of it's era, which was around 1976, when the United States Supreme Court declared that the death penalty was not against the Constitution. But if read directly the Eight Amendment of the U.S. Constitution "prohibits cruel and unusual punishments" and not only that but abolitionists also think that Capital Punishment ensures Americans equality for all . The abolitionists also did a poll which ensured that there was "no support for the view that the death penalty provides a more effective deterrent to police homicides than alternative sanctions. Not for a single year was evidence found that police are safer in jurisdictions that provide for capital punishment" The highest homicide rates were also in Death Penalty states with executions: 9.7 homicides per 100,000 people... ...of the crime committed by the convicted person because it is judicial murder. Capital Punishment is a brutal act that does not enhance respect for human life, it cheapens and degrades it . Abolitionists also believe that "the state is a teacher and when it kills, it teaches vengeance and hatred. If the "barbaric practice of execution has been abolished in most major industrial countries, even in south Africa, so can the United States ("Death"2). "An execution is a dramatic, public spectacle of official, violent homicide that teaches the permissibility of killing people to solve social problems--the worst possible example to set for society" Will society put money into schools, rehabilitation, community services, and jobs, or will it bankrupt itself with more prisons and more victims? The death penalty is no solution to violence. Capital Punishment is Not an Effective Crime Deterrent Essay -- essays While Capital Punishment has been one of the most feared things of our time, it is still being questioned if it is unconstitutional. The Death Penalty is being enforced in more than 100 countries in the world and are usually used in politically-related cases. Although it has been the case in many countries throughout the world it has been said that the Death Penalty is "cruel and unusual punishment" which is a direct violation to the Bill of Rights. Capital Punishment is a certain copy of the earliest days of slavery, when you had no rights or any different opinion, and like then, executions have no place in our civilized society. The Death Penalty, throughout it's years of existence, has always been against the views of the people, either because of it's brutality or because of it's lack of effectiveness. The Death Penalty has been opposed by the people since the beginning of it's era, which was around 1976, when the United States Supreme Court declared that the death penalty was not against the Constitution. But if read directly the Eight Amendment of the U.S. Constitution "prohibits cruel and unusual punishments" and not only that but abolitionists also think that Capital Punishment ensures Americans equality for all . The abolitionists also did a poll which ensured that there was "no support for the view that the death penalty provides a more effective deterrent to police homicides than alternative sanctions. Not for a single year was evidence found that police are safer in jurisdictions that provide for capital punishment" The highest homicide rates were also in Death Penalty states with executions: 9.7 homicides per 100,000 people... ...of the crime committed by the convicted person because it is judicial murder. Capital Punishment is a brutal act that does not enhance respect for human life, it cheapens and degrades it . Abolitionists also believe that "the state is a teacher and when it kills, it teaches vengeance and hatred. If the "barbaric practice of execution has been abolished in most major industrial countries, even in south Africa, so can the United States ("Death"2). "An execution is a dramatic, public spectacle of official, violent homicide that teaches the permissibility of killing people to solve social problems--the worst possible example to set for society" Will society put money into schools, rehabilitation, community services, and jobs, or will it bankrupt itself with more prisons and more victims? The death penalty is no solution to violence.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Political Science Essay

INTODUCTION Public administration is indispensable of decision making because decision making very crucial in the sustenance of organisations. There are a number of decision making models .These include rational comprehensive model, satisficing model, incremental model and mixed scanning model. All of them have their assumptions, strengths and weaknesses to be discussed below. None of these models is the best but it depends on the nature of the problem at hand. However, one may argue that rational comprehensive model appears to be the best model among others notwithstanding the fact that it has some limitations. Therefore decision making is very crucial in public administration, as it provides solutions to emanating societal problems. BODY Definition of key terms According to Barron`s Accounting Dictionary, decision making is a purposeful selection from among a set of alternatives in the light of a given objective. According to Web Definitions it is a cognitive process of reaching a decision. To Simon decision making is synonymous with management. He calls it the heart of the organisation. In general decision making is an act of choosing between two or more courses of action. RATIONAL COMPEHENSIVE DECISION MAKING MODEL Assumptions Carley cited in McGrew et al (1982:49) believes that rationality has a common core meaning. That is â€Å"distinction between ends or and goals and means to achieve those goals†¦some rules for evaluating the cost and benefits of each alternative means so as to select the optimum solution to the decision problem in a way which would†¦,be constructed and examined by analysts†. Thus to be rational is to be systematic, logical, intelligent and reasoning. It assumes that decision makers are rational beings who are driven by the need to maximise .It also assumes that one has to be comprehensive in order to be rationality .It assumes that decision makers have predictive capabilities to foresee accurately the consequences of alternative decisions. It also assumes that decision makers have higher propensity to access of information and resources. Thus the rational model has confidence in the decision makers since they are assumed to be rational. Stages involved in rational de cision making process Barber (1983:35)†rational comprehensive decision making approach deals with a programme of logical and sequential steps†. The first step is to identify a problem and all values related to the problem. This is what Hebert Simon call intelligent activity. For example the notion of occupational hazards, deaths and injuries at work place. The second objective is setting of goals and objectives to solve the problem. In this situation objectives might be creation of healthful environment, reduction of deaths and injuries. The third stage is listing all possible alternatives for achieving set goals. This is what Simon calls the design stage. The fourth stage is to list costs and possible consequences. In relation with the given example alternatives may be penalising organisations which are not attaining good health. This may be effective because organisations may comply. However, it may be burdensome on the part of the employer. It may lead to erosion of capital base of the orga nisation and that has the likely hood of hindering production. Awards to organisations which met the required health are another alternative. This may motivate organizations to have high safety standards. However, this may lead some organizations like National Social Security Association (NSSA) to lose. Another alternative is enhancement of inspectors which may be effective. However, it may be ineffective since inspectors may receive bribes. The last stage is to select the best or optimal option. This is what Simon calls choice activity. In this case the best option may be the notion of penal codes. Therefore, it is crucial for a decision maker to follow all the above stages as to complete the process of rational decision making. Strengths and significance It emphasizes the need to think critically through problems. It emphasises on the consequences of national decision making. It also emphasises values of fiscal planning and research. Hence rational model is very significant in providing solutions to encountered problems. Weaknesses Hebert Simon was aware of the limitations of rational model and he developed the idea of bounded rationality. He pointed out those human beings lacks cognitive to optimize. It is expensive and time consuming because of rigorous research and analysis. Decision makers are not always able to comprehend all possible information neither are they able to identify all applicable criteria, all alternatives and their possible consequences. There is no certainty about the future. The model invests in man`s predictive powers hence it remains a utopian. Decision makers are tempted to maximize personal goals than societal goals .For example, it is alleged that the land reform programme benefited the top state officials than the majority. It assumes that agreement can be reached yet reality in urban governance is that there are difficulties on interpersonal social goals. Problems cannot be dealt with in isolation, as the model assumes, because problems are always interconnected. Therefore rational model have its own constraints which then give birth to other models. SATISFICING DECISION MAKING MODEL Assumptions Following the observed problems with rational model Simon (1947) proposed his own model called the satisficing model. According to Online Dictionary â€Å"satisficing is a decision making strategy that aims for satisficing results rather than optimal solution â€Å"This is because optimal solution may necessitate needless expenditure, energy and resources. In reality optimizing model is unrealistic. Realistic model takes into account bounded rationality. When faced with problems, decision makers try to reduce the problem to the level that it can be readily understood but acting within the confines of bounded rationality. Decision makers do not struggle to find the best but stop when they find the first acceptable solution. A simple example is as follows. A task is to sew a patch into a pair of jeans which requires a four inch long with a three millimeter eye. This needle is hidden in a haystack along with thousand other needles varying from size .Satisficing model claims that the f irst needle to sew the patch is the one that should be used. The criteria are far from being exhaustive. In the process decision makers may resort to past solutions or those that have been tried elsewhere. Stages are similar with those of rational model. Therefore, satisficing model emphasizes on satisfying decisions rather than optimal ones. Strengths The theory is based on human capabilities hence it is more realistic than theoretical. The model is faster since there is no in depth study. When there is unlimited amount of information available, the model can be beneficial because it helps the decision maker to effectively and efficiently reach a conclusion. Also it is manageable. It is practical and sensitive to difficulties since it is based on satisficing.This raise the notion of s realistic administrative who is conditioned by organisational culture. Probably that’s why satisficing model is also called administrative model. An organisational man complies with the established rules and regulations and follows the established course of action. Thus man is intentionally rationalized and not naturally rational. Therefore, satisficing model is significant in decision making especially in that it overcomes some of the weaknesses of rational model. Demerits This model can be detrimental when used in the wrong way. For example when considering a medical issue such as diagnosis, it is not the best strategy to use. Another example is when the government is making fundamental decisions like policies concerning declaration of wars; it is not the best method to apply. Thus the model is not best where best decisions need to be made. INCREMENTAL DECISION MAKING MODEL Assumptions Following the observed shortcomings of rational model Lindblom severely criticized the rational model. In its place he substituted it with incremental model. It assumes that the status quo is the basic frame of reference, the focus is only short, only a narrow range of alternatives are considered. Decisions occur through an incremental process of successive limited comparisons. The crucial activities, problems, issues are most important and measurement of costs and benefits occurs informally. In this model the best decision is that which satisfies the demands of immediate situation. Examples include constitutional amendments, budgetary process, resource allocation and distribution. Therefore, incremental model is significant in decision making where emphasis is put on the preservation of status quo. Stages involved The model involves four stages which follow. The first stage is defining goal or objective. In incrementalism, goals and alternatives occur simultaneously. It requires a small set of alternatives to reduce complexity in decision making process. In stage two decision makers only consider a limited number of consequences for each alternative. At stage three problems confronting the decision maker are continually redefined. At stage four an agreement is reached on at least one good solution even if it is not the best possible solution. An example is as follows, status quo Operationâ€Å"Murambatsvina† which was aimed at cleaning the nation of Zimbabwe in 2005.However, it left some people homeless. The new objective may be to provide shelter for these homeless people. The new policy made on incremental bases is Operation â€Å"Garikai† which aimed at building homes for people. Unfortunately it is alleged that this policy was ineffective to some extent since only few people were served under this service because of corruption. Therefore the model has few stages to be followed. Strengths The model is realistic, practical and politically expedient since it is easy to agree on marginal modifications. The model seeks to avoid problems associated with rational model. Thus Lindblom (1947) describes his model as â€Å"The Science of Muddling through†. This model is the most feasible approach to systematic decision making when issues are complex, uncertain and riddled with conflict. It reduces conflicts which are normally associated with radical fundamental decisions. It acknowledges the constraints within which practical decision making takes place. For example it acknowledges that decision makers especially in the government do not usually have time, intelligence, capacity and the will to indulge in rational decision making on a day to day basis. It saves time and resources and acknowledges that problems are not distinct from each other hence interlinked. Hence incremental model is an effective and essential in decision making because of the above strengths. Demerits It is being accused of being conservative hence it is an obstacle to innovation. Booth(1978) cited in McGrew(1982:119) for instance, has described these factors in the machinery of local government in Britain which have inhabited the introduction of alternatives to residential use of strong, â€Å"rational † services against extensive supply of residential provision. Thus the model is incompatible in the making of fundamental decisions. It is not compatible in large scale policy. The model only works in stable conditions. It is accused of promoting short sightedness. Small incremental steps may lead to undesirable consequences. It is also criticise of lack of direction because of the notion of muddling through. Accordingly, incremental model also have its own weaknesses just like other models. MIXED SCANNING DECISION MAKING MODEL Assumptions This model is associated with Amitai Etzioni in 1976.The model takes rational approach and smaller set of decisions to be made incrementally. Thus the application of the model depends on the prevailing situation. The model emphasises scanning of a number of possibilities from which is generated selection of alternatives for action. It is more rational in practice to be selective and systematic about a limited number of feasible options and rationally to examine all the choices, Lee et al (1982:53).For instance, situations like declaration of wars calls for fundamental decisions. Therefore, mixed scanning is also a very significant model of decision making. Strengths It is developed as an adaptive strategy and practical approach to complex and uncertain situations. It reduces the unrealistic aspects of rationalism by limiting the details required in fundamental decisions. Contextualising rationalism helps to overcome the conservative slant of increamentalism by exploring long run alternatives. Hence, â€Å"each of the two elements in mixed scanning helps to reduce shortcomings of the other ,between incrementalism and rationalism† as noted by Etzioni (1969:390) cited in McGrew et al (1982:120).It permits taking advantage of both rational and incremental approaches in different situations. It permits adjustments of rapidly changing environment such as global concern namely security, poverty and diseases by providing flexibility necessary to adapt decision making to specific circumstance. It considers the capacity of decision maker. Ijeoma (2010:20) states that it is best in adverse cultural, political and religious beliefs as well as the economic and developmental inequalities that exist between developed and undeveloped countries. Therefore, one can note that mixed scanning model is essential and very beneficial since it is a combination of two models. Weaknesses It is not clear if the unrealistic and conservative shortcomings would actually be avoided. Specification of details is omitted so that an overview is feasible Therefore this approach seems to have few limitations as compared to other models. CONCLUSION In a nutshell, there are various approaches of decision making which can be applied in different situations. These include rational, satisficing, incremental and mixed scanning. Each model has its assumptions, strengths and weaknesses. None of these is the best, each model is best when applied in a right and appropriate situation. Thus the choice of approach to be used depends on the situation on the ground. It is crucial for decision makers to have the knowledge of where and when any of these models can be applied. Failure to do so may result in undesirable consequences. However, although these models are equally important, one may subjectively argue that rational comprehensive model is the best of them all because of its characteristics. NAME: ROSELINE T CHARUMBIRA REG NUMBER: R123982H DEGREE: POLITICAL SCIENCE COURSE AND COUSE : STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS CODEOF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (PA111) NAME OF LECTURER:MR ZVOUSHE NAME OF TEACHING : MR CHILUNJIKA ASSISTANCE TUTORIAL GROUP: WEDNESDAY 09:00 – 10:00 DATE OF SUBMISSION: 10-04-13 QUESTION : OUTLINE AND CRITICALLY DISSCUSS ANY FOUR MODELS OF DECISION MAKING IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. BIBLIOGRAPHY Barber ,M.P.1983. Public Administration.3rd edition. Britain: Macdonald and Evans Barons Accounting Dictionary. Ijeoma,E.O.2010.Africa`s New Public Policy: Imperatives for Globalisation and the National building in Nigeria. South Africa: Africa Institute of South Afric Lee,K.Mills,A.1982.Policy-Making and Planning in Health Sector. Britan: Croom Helm Ltd. McGrew ,A .G .Wilson ,M.J.1982.Decision Making: Approaches and Analysis. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Online Dictionary Web Definitions.Decision Making.Retrieved from making.accessed on 02/o4/13

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Greek Mythology and Gods Essay

What is mythology, The mythology is what man kind tries of findings and explanation of nature and all sort of universal actions such as thunders, earth quakes, winds, stars, darkness, seasons etc. The differences of Greek mythology the Greek mythology is more like human based. They were using human forms for their gods appearance instead of unusual creators in Egyptian mythology. Although only in Greek mythology the universe did create the gods not the gods created the universe. Also the Greek mythology doesn’t set on fear. Human should have no fear of creators or devils or giants what so ever. Because all those evil creators killed by heroes and gods and made world clear for human to live. The reason of mythology and using subject To control the natural phenomena To bind the clans, tribes, or nation together To record historical events To give basic geographic information To set examples for peoples behaviour To justify a social structure Greek mythology does not tell us about early man kind but tell us about early Greek life First event of Greek mythology is Iliad by Homer. He lived 1000 BC. And the Iliad contains earliest Greek literature. Classic Greek mythology was not interested with astrology Priest was not important at all. Even the poets was more important than the priest. One story in Odyssey the hero spares the poet but kills the priest. The Greek mythology set literature of Europe and democracy and science Greek mythology was not a place for terror for human. The Greek mythologists transformed a world from full of fear to full of beauty Greek mythology nothing to do with religion. It all about how world an universe become in existence As example the reason of volcano erupts are imprisoned terrible creator. Other example Zeus hurls his thunder bolt when he gets angry. The Greek gods lived in Olympus which is high mountain in Greece. Although they lived like human but they were mortal and they could do more than what human could. They eat, they trick another, they drink, been in affair as human do Greek could have fun with the stories about their gods THE TITANS AND GREAT OLYMPIANS The titans also called elderly gods. There were many of them but only few of them appears on stories of mythology. At the beginning there was only chaos, then erebus appeared. Then some how love born and brought the stars in order. Once there was a light and day. After light and day Gaea ( appeared ) then erebus slept with night who gave a birth to daily earthly light. and the earth gave a birth to Uranus. Then they create the 3 Cyclopes and hecatocheries 8hundred hands fifty heads ) and twelve titans. And Gaea mother earth and coronus set a trick to Uranus coronus chopped has father Uranus’s penis with Stone sickle. and Uranus’s blood fell into ocean and became giants, from his genitals that fell into sea Aphrodite occurred. Coronus became the next ruler and he imprisoned the Cyclopes with hundred hands. But with the curse of his father Uranus, he was destined to loose against his son Zeus. The names of twelve titans Coronus Rhea Oceans Tethys Hyperion Theia Mnemosyne. Themis Coues Phoebe Crius Iapetus (Atlas ) THE GODS ZEUS. Became supreme ruler by fighting against his father Coronus and the titans. He was lord of the sky. That means if you can control sky you can control whole world as well. He was more powerful than all divinities together. He was represented as a man always falls in love with a woman after another. also he was acting as normal man would, like hiding his affairs from his wife, which is from hear. And his behaviour also caused many disasters for human kind. His bird was Eagle His tree was Oak His oracle was Dodona He was responsible for the justice, his power was controlling the nature. His most powerful weapon was the thunderbolt. For that reason he was the most feared god in Greece. first information was written by Hesiod Deep note, Zeus had same prophecy as coronus had so he swallowed Metis his wife to stop it. HERA. Zeus’s sister and his wife. She was the goddess of marriage. Also protector of heroes. Hera’s daughter was helping the women who gives birth. She was very jealous also her jealousy and anger cause Trojan war. Her favourite city was Argos. Cow and peacock was sacred to her. POSEIDON. the ruler of the sea. and second highest god after Zeus. He was also very important for Greeks. He had a golden car. he was commonly called the earth shaker. Bulls and horses were his animals. HADES. He was ruling the underworld. Also he was the ruler of death but he wasn’t dead. He was god of wealth too. He was controlling precious metals. He could be invisible with his Helmut. He was not an evil god. PALLAS ATHENA ( MINERVA ) she was the daughter of Zeus. She sprang from Zeus’s forehead. She was a battle goddess. Zeus trusted her because she had no mother. That’s why she could have Zeus’s awful aegis and his thunderbolt. She was defending home, civilised life, handcrafts and agriculture. Her tree was olive ( olive tree was created by her) her city was Athena her bird was owl PHOEBUS means brilliant or shining ( APOLLO ) son of Zeus born in Delos. He called the most Greek. Because he had beautiful figure, he was god of truth, the master musician, he played golden lyre, healer,. Basically he had most pretty and ethically good features that every one would like to be, so Greeks called him with that name to honour themselves. He was also called wolf god. Apollo’s oracle played very important place in the stories because of always truth words were coming from them. Castalia was his sacred place, chephisus was his river. His tree was laurel his sacred animals cow and dolphin but also many creatures. ARTEMIS (Diana ) also called Cynthia. twin sister of Apollo. She was one of the maiden goddess, she was the lady of wild things. She was the protector of youth, she was the moon in the sky that’s why she used to call Selene ( Luna ), on earth she was Artemis, goddess of the dark and she had evil magic and she was an awful divinity. APHRODITE (Venus) the goddess of love and beauty, she was the wife of Vulcan. Myrtle was her tree the dove was her bird, the sparrow and swan too, she married with Zeus’s force. Cyprus was her sacred place, that’s why she called Cyprian or Cythera as well. Her absence would cause no love or no joy. Rose also was her flower. She had a deadly and destructive power over men. HERMES he was the Messenger of Zeus. He had wings on his sandals and crown. Because he was so fast that’s why he was the Messenger and master thief too. His first thievery was the day the day he born. He stole Apollo’s lyre. He appears in stories more than any other gods and goddesses its because of his duty as a Messenger of gods. he was the god of commerce and protector of traders. ARES is the god of war. Homer calls him murderous, blood stained curse of mortal he was coward because he would have run away when he wounded. He was the lover of Aphrodite in one story. He was not important god as Apollo or Hera. His bird was vulture. He has no cities. HEPHAUSTUS the god of fire also he was the god of smith and he was doing furniture’s and weapons in his work shop. he was kind peaceful and loving god and married with Aphrodite. All city organisations admitted to Hephaestus. He was the ceremony god too. HESTIA ( Vesta ) she was the sister and virgin goddess as Athena and Artemis. She played no part in myth. She was the goddess of heart. Every meal offered to her and the fire was the cities heart connected to Hestia. Protector of home and family. The paradox about Hestia she was the first swallowed child of coronus that’s why she came out last from Cronus’s stomach when Zeus poisoned him. The maiden gods are Athena, Hestia. Artemis and they were immune to spell of Aphrodite. THE LESSER GODS OF OLYMPUS The most important of them was EROS. Homer does not know about him. Eros idea came with Plato the Greek philosopher not by a poet He is the god of love. For Plato Eros make his home in men’s heart but not in every man. With the idea of Plato Eros was exist and he was the companion of Aphrodite. Later poets were telling that he was Aphrodite’s son. And he was very naughty or even worse. IRIS the goddess of rainbow. And Messenger of the gods in Olympus. THE GRACERS grace sisters. Aglia euphrosyne and thalia. They treated as in one. they were cheering the gods with their dance to Apollo’ lyre. The man they visited was happy. Hebe : The god of youth, daughter of Zeus. She married to Hercules THE MUSES SISTERS they were nine of them. and they were also same as the graces and count as one. Muses were a holly gift to the men. Because when they sing, for a man has sorrow and grief in his soul he would be free from all thoughts and forgets his troubles. In later times each had her own special field. THE GODS OF WATER Poseidon was the lord of the sea. The Mediterranean (friendly sea) and the black sea (unfriendly sea) also underground rivers too. Ocean a titan and was the lord of the river ocean. That was the great river encircling the earth. Neresus he called THE OLD MAN OF THE SEA a trusty god and gentle. For Hesiod he was thinking kindly thoughts and never lies. Triton the trumpeter of the sea Proteus he had the power foretelling the future and of changing of his shape. The naiads they were the nymphs of the water. They dwelt in brooks and spring. UNDER WORLD Tartarus and Erebus: Tartarus deeper of the two Erberus was the dead pass as soon as they die. In Homer under world is shadowy place inhabited. Nothing real and is like a miserable place. Charon ferries the death cross the water only who buried duly with passage money on their lips. Cerberus guard dog of underworld with 3 head and dragon tale. Who let the dead enter but doesn’t let ever out again. Styx the river of unbreakable oath by which gods swear. Lethe the river of forgetfulness, Phlegethon the river of fire. The Enries placed by Virgil where the evil once get punished. DEMETER. The goddess of the corn and she is happy goddess of the summer. Mother of Persephone. She has great importance for the Greek and the roman mythology. The great temple was in Elesius built for her. DIONYSUS. The god of the vine. Also has a big importance fort he roman and the Greek mythology. The dramas set for him and he is the only god could die and come back. Also he brought his mother from death. Pan goat headed ugly but happy god. He is the god of the wilds and the shepherds and the forests. Silenus: He was associated with Bacchus as well as with pan. He was always drunk. Castor and Polux: the protectors of the sailors. The Satyrs: Like pan they were goat-men/ The Centura half man half horse /The Gorgons dragon like creatures. / Gralae 3 grey woman , they had only one eye between them. THE ROMAN GODS Minerva ( Athena) Venus(Aphrodite) Mercury (Hermes) Diana (Diana) Vulcan(Hephaestus) Ceres (Demeter) Apollo and Pluto (Hades) Saturn (Zeus) Dionysus (Bacchus) . THE STORIES DEMETER ( CERES) the goddess of corn and fertile. Persephone her daughter kidnapped by Hades the ruler of underworld. She was very sad and after long time she find out that her daughter was with Hades. But all that time she was sad so the earth effected by the sadness of her. It did cause no wheat or cereal was growing so the man kind was suffering and facing with famine. The gods wasn’t happy with that and Zeus interfere with the situation. They made arrangement that Persephone was going to stay 6 month with Demeter 6 month with Hades. That cause the winter n summer. Although every year they do festive for honour of Demeter in autumn. DIONYSUS (BACCHUS) Dionysus was the last god entered to Olympus. Coz he was son of Zeus n his mother was mortal n he was semi god. Thebes was the city of Dionysus where he born from his mother Semele. She was unfortunate woman because of Hera. Zeus loved her n promised her about Styx river unbreakable oath that he could do anything that she wants. She asked him to see his thunder bolt which is Hera put that in her mind so Zeus did it coz he could not break his oath. She died because of the burning light of thunder bolt so Zeus saved his so Dionysus. So god of vine was born from fire and nursed by rain as hard burning heat that ripens the grapes and rain keeps them plant alive. One day he was captured by pirates, they chained him n he didn’t fight back. Just watched them. Only helmsmen were thinking that he could be god n he cried for him n tell the others set him free. No one listened him. N Dionysus became a lion n all crew went of the board but instantly each of them became a dolphin part from helmsmen coz he was a good man. From his stories we can say the god of wine is beneficent and also can be cruel. It is really suits the god of wines personality as in effect of alcohol that also the same. How the world was created First there was  only darkness and death. After love was born. and love created light with it’s companion Radiant day. No one could explain how all happened it just happened. After love and light earth appeared HOW THE MANKIND WERE CREATED The first creatures were three different kind. Hundred handed and fifty heads they were three. Other three is Cyclopes. And the titans. After the Olympians came from titans. And the gods (Olympians) battled with the titans n took the power. The only titan helped the gods was Prometheus. Story 1: The wise Prometheus chosen to create a man. But his brother Epimetheus gave all good things to the animals. So there was not much left. Prometheus decide to create human in the form of gods so it would be honourable for human. And animals had all protection as such as wings fur paws etc so he gave to the human the fire to use. Story 2 : gods themselves created the man. A) golden race which they were mortal but lived like gods with no sorrow of heart. they were below the gods but after they die the were becoming a pure spirit and guards of living men. B) silver race: they had so little intelligence they could not keep injure each other. their spirits did not live after they die. C) brass race: they were terrible men and such a lover of war and violence. D) god like heroes: who fought in glories wars and went on great adventures. After they die they departed to isles of the blessed that they lived forever. E) iron race: which is still now upon the earth. They lived in evil time so very normal that they are evil too. Golden age there was only men, no women. Zeus created the woman called Pandora and she is the first woman on earth. Zeus created Pandora for punish Prometheus because of his love and interest about the men. Anger of Zeus wasn’t only because Prometheus had stolen the fire for men ; he also tricked Zeus as hiding good part of the sacrifices from Zeus by wrapping the bones with fat and made Zeus chose the bad part. Pandora names meaning is the gift of all. Curiosity of Pandora(women) coz lots of trouble to the world and the men. She was giving a box and spouse to not open but she couldn’t resist and opened it then all bad things came out of it such as plague, suffer, disease ,sorrow . only one good thing left was hope. Punishment Of Prometheus. The reasons of it ; 1) stealing fire 2) trick on Zeus with the bad part of sacrifice. (bones and fat) 3) the prophecy about Zeus that who will kill Zeus known by Prometheus. The conditions made by Zeus to release the Prometheus were 1) one immortal should die for him 2) a mortal need to win the battle against eagle and kill it. Destroying the iron race Zeus finally decide to destroy the iron race and with his brother Poseidon’s help he sent a flood over the world with nine days rain. Obviously Prometheus knew about flood so he told his son Deucalion to build a chest(ship) Deucalion and Pyrrha his niece were in it and they land on the only clear part of earth from flood was Parnassus. Zeus weren’t angry of the event because them two the survivals were faithful prayers to the gods. Then later on there were no one else and they find the temple top ray to the gods for other people so they heard a voice telling them to break the Stones. And all Stones that they chopped turn in to a human in order. Europa: kings Sidon’s daughter. Two continents claimed over her. Asia (formed a woman ) that said she born in Asia and she was belong to Asia and the other one was nameless that the declare Zeus would give the maiden to her. (Europe) Europe’s basket was golden and flowers she was collecting called narcissus, hyacinths, violets and yellow crocus and wild roses. Zeus fell in love with her by cupids shot. Important note about Europe she is also famous in other continents as ion. Polypemus (the Cyclopes) Odysseus and his men had lost while they were on their way back home after the destruction of troy. They came to an island on their way and they decide to sop there for food and drink. He had 12 men. They found a cave n went in the cave and while after the polyp emus came and saw them. He closed the big hence with big rock. No man could open it. He trapped them and he ate 2 of the men of Odysseus even though they claim that they were the guest of Zeus he was not care. Then Odysseus planed the trick to make him drunk and blind him with the red hot spike while he was sleeping. And very next they polyp emus opened the gate and start waiting for catch them while they would escape. But Odysseus was very clever and hide under the sheep’s instead of run away on top of them. Then he shout back to polyp emus after he escape tell everyone that who blind you with arrogance. Flower myths Narcissus very beautiful lady who does not like but himself. He interested with no maiden at all. Echo was in love with him. Echo was favourite of Artemis but she cursed by Hera not to have power of speak first. She could only repeat what she has been told. Narcissus cursed by nemesis and fall in love with his own reflection of water. And he died there. And the flower bloomed and the nymphs gave his name to those flowers. Hyacinths: Apollo’s companion. He died when they were playing the game of throwing the disks. Apollo threw it so fast and killed hyacinths by mistake another story too that zephyr(the west wind) actually caused the death of hyacinths by blowing the disk that Apollo threw and made the disk went faster than spouse to. He did that so out of jealousy. The place where he died the flower bloomed and of bloodstained grass and made his name known forever. This two stories tell us the spring flowers to appear on spring. Adonis the boy Aphrodite loved a lot. And she gave him to Persephone to look after him. Persephone loved him too. Out of them two Zeus decided in to stay in autumn and winter (6 month) with Persephone, and spring and summer with Aphrodite (6month) one day he died when he was on earth and where his blood dropped the flower appear called as Adonis The love of Cupid and psyche The youngest daughter of a kings three daughters. She called psyche. And she was even more beautiful than Aphrodite and she was jealous . she told cupid to make her fall in love with on ugly creature. Cupid went to do so but he fell in love with psyche. But psyche didn’t fell in love with him so no men with her. So she was destined to be alone. Her father by Apollo’s oracle told to take her to hill. for wait there her destined husband. And cupid came n pick her up from there. They got married but in one condition that she was not allowed to look at him. One night she has been forced by her sisters n be came curious about seeing  his face for to do that she tried but get caught by cupid n the trust between them already broken. Cupid told her there could be no love when there is no trust. So he left her and she was so upset that she lost the god of love. To get him back she decide to go n see Aphrodite. But Aphrodite gave her four tasks to do. 1) separate the seeds and ants helped her on this mission. That’s why Aphrodite didn’t count that has accomplished. And gave her another task 2) bring the golden wool. She is given the clever idea by nymph that’s why the task didn’t count by Aphrodite. Another task giving 3) get some black water of Styx and the eagle helped her this time. Aphrodite wasn’t happy at all so gave her the fourth task 4) bring the box filled with charm by Persephone. While she was taking the box back to Aphrodite she was curious and looked in the box which is she was forbidden and she poisoned by sleep. Cupid came and save her by waking her up from her sleep. And they live happy. Pyramus and Thisbe The mulberry tree was white and turn into red after two lovers mistaken and taken their own life with their own hands. They died under the white mulberry tree. The story is similar to the story of Romeo and Juliet. Orpheus and Erupice Athena invented the flute but never played. Orpheus was the best musician. Mother side he was more than a mortal. His mother was a muse. After he married with Eurydice she died and he went to underworld and softened the heart of Hades. Hades allowed him to take his wife back to the world but only one condition that he has to walk front and wife needed to follow behind Orpheus. He wasn’t allowed to look back until she leave underworld gate. But soon as Orpheus went out the gate of underworld he turned back to check his wife was there or not. Unluckily she was still behind the gate and he lost her. Ceyx and Alcyone Ceyx a king in Thessaly was the son of Lucifer. The light bearer. His wife was Alcyone. She was the daughter of wind. (king Aelius) Ceyx had a plan to go cross the sea. And he went into storm while he was sailing. (god of sleep Cimmerians in a deep valley the sun never shines and dusky all things in shadows) Alcyone was praying to Hera and goddess was touched. Morpheus son of sleep god went Alcyone’s dream and she saw him in her dream and he show things about her husband Ceyx’s death. After she cried the gods made them both birds that fly together over the sea since then the sea gets calm in winters for 7 days. And the days called Alcyone days or Halcyone days. Pygmalion and Galatea. Pygmalion gifted sculpture of Cyprus named Pygmalion. He had felt in love with statue he made. Venus found that interesting and she gave the statue a soul on the feast day of Venus. He was so happy and they had son so they gave him the name Paphos the favourite city of Venus. Baucis and Philemon. The story proves immeasurable power of the gods and their rewards to the humble and the religious people. Zeus and Hermes went into poor human form and they were testing people by knocking their doors and asking for hospitality. And no one helped them part from the old couple called Baucis and Philemon. They were very poor but still very exited to have guests in their house. Zeus and Hermes was very happy with the treatment they received by this couple and they told them that they were pair of gods. From that point zeus asked them what they want to be rewarded with. Baucis and Philemon said we would like to be your priest and the guardians of temple and also we want to live together and die together. And that wish came through for them. Daphne. She is another person that who hate love and marriage. She said to been Apollo’s first love. It is not strange that she runaway from Apollo. Because of many other maiden either had to kill her child or killed her self. And that was even worse than death. In other hand she didn’t want any mortal lovers either. She wanted to be virgin like Diana (Artemis). But Apollo saw her and every thing ended for her. Apollo started chasing her and she did start running away from him. She saw her father’s river and she asked help from her father (the river god Peneus). That moment bark (agac kabugu) start enclosing her and leaves were sprouting. She turned into a tree laurel. Apollo watched the transformation and since then laurel was his tree. Alpheus and Arethusa in Sicily there was sacred spring called Arethusa. She was not a water or water nymph. Arethusa loved hunting and freedom of the forest like Artemis. She did not interest with men. One day she was swimming and she heard a voice and runaway with fear. The voice told her stop and said I am the god of river Alpheus and I love you. But she did not want anything about him or love. Arethusa called her god Artemis and Artemis changed her into a spring of water. And she went to Sicily from Greece by a tunnel under the sea. But it was not enough to stop Alpheus the god of river. The Quest of the Golden Fleece This is the story of finding the golden fleece without knowing whether it is exist or not. There was no highway part from lakes, rivers and the sea. The story begins with the king Athamas who rired of his wife and left her to get marry another one called princess Ino. First wife Nephele was worried her two children, specially the boy Phrixus. She thought that king’s new wife would kill him to take throne for her son and she was right. She planned to bribe oracle to say the king if Phrixus not sacrificed there would be no crops or corn. People force to king for phrixus sacrifice. Then the golden fleece take them away. I the story amazons also appear their mother is peaceful nymph Harmony but their father is Ares . Phaeton, the son of sun. He went to visit his father. And he ask to work sun for a day. and it did cause his death. There after he became a poplar tree. Pegasus and Bellerophon after bellerophon killed his brother he left the country he is from and went to the kingdom of Argos the king Proetus. Wife of Proetus fell in love with Bellerophon. But bellerophon had no interest so she was very angry and told her husband that he tried to be with her. Proetus could not kill him because he was his guest and set a plan to kill him in other kingdom. Proetus sent him to kill a dragon like animal in Lycian kingdom. Before he go he went to oracles and they told him stay one night in temple. When he was sleeping in temple the gods gave him Pegasus. He flew to Lycia and he killed the creature. then king of lycia sent him also to do a task in Amazon. When he finish this and many other task the king made him married with his youngest daughter. After all success he had he start thinking that he is even better than the god. This thought took anger of gods and they made him fell from Pegasus while he was flying and of course he died after. Daedalus he was the architect who made the labyrinth in Crete. So he help the Athenians to escape from there and there for the king put him in prison in the labyrinth with his son. He found the way again to escape from there and made wings from wax. He told his son not to fly to high because closer the sun would be warm and would melt. But when they were flying away his son didn’t care and flew higher and finally the wings melt and he fell in to the sea and die after. Perseus King Acrisus of Argos had only a daughter and king went to ask oracles will he able to have a son. They told him no and the worse thing is they said you will be killed by your grand son. So he put his daughter in a deep prison to stop the prophecy. But she had a child from Zeus and she called him Perseus. He had Pegasus and killed Medusa. While after King Acrisus was in athletic contests and the discus thrown by Peseus kild him and prophecy became true. His been killed by his grandson. Theseus is Hercules cousin. He was willing to become a hero quick as possible. He visit his father Aegeus. Then he went to crete for contest that to kill bull headed creature in Labyrinth that Daedalus made. Ariadne the princes fell in love with him gave the thread to open it when he walks in the labyrinth so he could follow back when he finish his task in there. He killed the bull headed creature and came out. With Ariadne he was coming back to homeland but he forget to put black flag down and put the white one up. So his father could understand he is still a live but his father saw the black flag up and he tought his son was dead. Then he threw him self from the cliff and died. Since then the sea called Aegean sea. Hercules, Son of Zeus. He was thinking that he is equal to the gods. The reason behind that, the gods needed his help for conquering the giants. He defeat the giants and help gods that even could not do by them selves. It was fortune that no living thing in the air, sea or land could kill him. He could be overcome only by a super natural force. Which is Hera did at the end. He was not intelligent as the other heroes but he was most powerful of them and the only undefeatable one by living. Hera was very jealous and always determined to kill him. Hera tried to kill him first time when Hercules was a year old. Then she tried till Hercules died. Atalanta The first case concerns a huntress named Atalanta who raced against a suitor named Melanion. Melanion used golden apples to distract Atalanta so that he could win the race. The day, Atalanta born her father abandoned her on a wild mountain. She was taking care by Artemis. She grew by a bear. When she grown her father claim for her and want to marry her. She accept it but only in one condition that is who ever wants to marry with her need to win the foot race. But if the suitor lose the race they would die. Melanion realized that is no one could defeat her in a normal way so he prayed to Aphrodite. She gave him three golden apple and told him throw them during the race so it could slow Atalanta down. With this trick he won the race and they get married. While after they turned into pair of lions because of upsetting gods. The judgement of Paris. the evil goddess of discord, Eris was not popular in Olympus. There was an important wedding party, that of king Peleus and sea nymph Thetis. All other gods were invited but Eris was not. She determined to make a trouble and she succeeded. She threw in to the banqueting hall a golden apple marked for the fairest! Of course all goddess wanted it. But at the end only Hera, Aphrodite and Athena remain. They asked Zeus to judge between them. Clever Zeus refused it. He told them to go to Paris for the judgement. He was a shepherd. He was an excellent judge of beauty. Hera promised to make him the lord of Europe and Asia. Athena said that you will lead the Trojan to victory against the Greeks. Aphrodite offered him the fairest woman should be his. And he gave the apple to Aphrodite. The judgement of Paris was the real reason of Trojan War. The Trojan War: Helen was the fairest woman in the world. She was married with a king of Sparta Menelaus brother of Agamemnon. Aphrodite told him Helen is the fairest women on earth. Paris visited Menelaus and Helen and he took her with himself when he was going back to Troy. Menelaus called upon all Greece to help him in the war against Troy and get his wife back. Also he wanted Odysseus and Achilles with him. the reason behind that Odysseus is the most clever and Achilles was the biggest hero at that time. Odysseus didn’t want to go for a war. He pretended therefore, as a mental. But the messengers tricked him by taking his sons and threatened him that they would kill them so he obeyed them and he went with them. Achilles also didn’t want to go and therefore he dressed like a woman in palace. And Odysseus tricked him by taking a lot of dresses with pair of guns. When the real girls were interested of the clothes he chose to look at the weapons so Odysseus find out that he was Achilles. Whose side the Gods were? Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis and Apollo was side of Paris, Poseidon, Hera and Athena was side of Greeks. Zeus was neuter.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Why Euthanasia is Wrong †Health Essay

Why Euthanasia is Wrong – Health Essay Free Online Research Papers Why Euthanasia is Wrong Health Essay You are on your way home from school and suddenly a car swerves out of control and slams into the side of your car, leaving you paralyzed. So now what? There are only two things that are certain in this life. Everyone is born and everyone will die. Death could strike anyone at any time. You need to be aware of your options so that if and when you are left to deal with the choices of death you can have your mind made up ahead of time. There are two types of euthanasia, passive and active. The first type of euthanasia is known as passive euthanasia this doesnt involve killing a patient, it is the type that lets the patient die in a natural, yet peaceful, manner. This allows the patient to refuse services, such as life support, so they dont have to be vegetables. Active euthanasia is where the physician assists in the patients suicide or death, by giving too much of a painkiller such as morphine. This is the type of euthanasia that I would like to persuade you against legalizing in the U.S. ( The physicians we all seek medical help and advice from are there for those reasons, not to harm or kill the trusting patients, as a doctor who performs active euthanasia usually does. Premeditated murder is illegal. Euthanasia is premeditated murder. Therefore, euthanasia is as illegal as premeditated murder. Today in the United States alone, one in four nurses openly admits to performing some form of euthanasia. In my personal opinion it is very sad when a society has become so greedy that it would place a price on life. When any society chooses to place a price on life, they choose to start pricing a persons worth in this world. Who should be the one to say how much another person is worth? I know that many people in a terminally ill situation would choose suicide as a way to run away from their problems and if euthanasia were to become legal, then the number one cause of death would shortly become suicide. ( The first case of active euthanasia was that of Adolph Hitler. In 1930 the Nazis gained control of German Politics. Adolph Hitler wanted to create a society above all the other societies of the world, in what he called, The Perfect Race. He then proceeded with the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and people with mental or physical impairments. Today in some cases parents want their children who have disabilities to be killed by euthanasia so that they dont have to grow up in this cruel world. If that is the case then we should have let Adolph Hitler keep his control in Germany in the 1930s. Time hasnt changed, society has. In the 1990s, people are saying You can do it, dont give up, and Live your dreams to the fullest. By making euthanasia legal people will give hope up all too early on ever reaching their goals or dreams, they would rather give up on life when it becomes very difficult to live in which with a little effort their dreams could be made a reality. There have been many cases where patients have been diagnosed as terminally ill and have lived. The most famous case is Karen Ann Quinlian. Karen was 22 years old when she fell into a coma after using the bad combination of alcohol and tranquilizers. Her parents went before the courts and convinced them to take Karen off life support. Although Karen never regained consciousness, she lived nine years after being taken off life support. This case is important because in 1975 this was the first case ever that allowed the removal of life support opening the doors for the controversy of euthanasia. It is also an argument against euthanasia because of the fact that she was diagnosed and was said to die immediately if taken off life support however, she did not. Suicide isnt illegal, but aiding or assisting someone in suicide is no matter what the reasons are. To aid someone in suicide is like murder in most countries. In some cases one can use euthanasia as a cover up for a murder. What about malformed babies, mentally handicapped, or the incurable insane? Should they have the right to use euthanasia? If legalized, would euthanasia be totally voluntary? The malformed babies and the mentally retarded cannot make that voluntary decision, and therefore are not allowed to use euthanasia. This causes unequal opportunities. In an address to National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on October 27, 1992, Dr. Kevorkian stated that Every disease that shortens life is terminal. Doctors like Jack Kevorkian are letting money alter their concepts of their good judgment. Doctors are helping anybody who wants to die to do so as long as the doctor is paid well enough for the services. Doctors are here to heal, not kill. Three percent of deaths in the Netherlands are directly caused by doctors. These statistics cannot be trusted. Euthanasia is recorded less accurately, less efficiently, and less often than it is actually occurring. Three percent in the U.S. would is equal to about 64,860 killings by doctors, Even though this is only 3% it is still a drastic amount of people killed by doctor assisted suicide. This amounts to more deaths by euthanasia than in drug or alcohol related motor accidents combined. ( As you can see, active euthanasia is not the solution to dying. It is unethical and illegal. I believe the reasons against euthanasia far outweigh those for it. The possibility of losing a loved one is a terrible trade off for euthanasia. Never consider active euthanasia as a possibility. Research Papers on Why Euthanasia is Wrong - Health EssayArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Capital PunishmentThe Fifth HorsemanThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Personal Experience with Teen PregnancyGenetic EngineeringNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceTwilight of the UAWEffects of Television Violence on Children

Monday, November 4, 2019

Accounting II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Accounting II - Essay Example Due to the intense global competition factors other than price have become more important over the years. In order to retain customer companies have to provide excellent customer service and good product variety. If an important client requests a customized service or product and the company has the capabilities to comply, the firm must accommodate the customer to achieve customer retention. The stakeholders of corporations care more about the behavior of businesses. Corporate social responsibility has become a key strategic focus that is necessary to improve customer retention. At end of the 1990’s Nike Corporation lost a lot of clients due to the fact that they were involved in a sweetshop scheme oversees. Bad publicity and irresponsible acts such as the occurrence at Nike a decade ago are the types of incidents that can destroy the brand value of an enterprise. Another way to increase customer retention is to design products and services that provide greater value at a comp etitive price

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Compare and contrast the key features of public and private sector Essay

Compare and contrast the key features of public and private sector organisations and explain how these might impact on the role - Essay Example Public sector involve organisations owned and operated by government or their agents and are mostly set up not for profit, but to offer essential services to the public, though profit still reminds one of the objectives of such organisations. Public sectors will major in owning, producing, providing, allocating and delivering goods and services for the government or the public, on either local or international levels, with service provision being more important than making profits. The managers are government appointees, making public companies political institutions. Private organisations. These ere organisations set up, owned, financed, and operated by business people with the single aims of harnessing opportunities to make a profit. The government in private companies only plays a regulatory role through its legal framework, but does not involve in any decision making in such organisations. Their main aim is to invest and harness resources as much as possible to make the maximum p rofit possible from the community. Similarities between private and public companies Service to the public. Both the public and private companies are set up to serve a particular public need, though a private company is responsible to its shareholders and investors to offer such services at a profit. Competition. There are many private companies providing services similar to the public sector services; they all compete for customers and resources, as well as market for their products and services. Examples are schools or healthcare faculties. Organisational hierarchy. Both public and private organisations have different staff occupying differently levels of decision making process, though in the private sector such hierarchies may have different tag names. In the two sectors, hierarchy structure is set to delegate work to the appropriate sections or levels (Kearney, Hisrich, & Roche 2009, 28). Differences between Private and Public Companies Organisation level One factor that charac terizes the public sector is the many formal processes that must be in place to make such an organisation function appropriately (ESADE, 2011). Decision process in public companies involves more degrees of consultations to formalize, leading to increased bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is defined and the regulations, procedures, and rules that have to be adhered to, but have little or no efficacy to the functional object of the rules themselves (ESADE, 2011). Bureaucracy in public sector is mostly due to the divisions of authority between the executive, legislature, and judiciary arms of the government, which have to be involved in the decision making process. On the other hand, private firms are more efficient and have no elaborate formalisation to put in place. Once they have complied with the legal procedures, they can be as small as the owners prefer and as large as possible, with decision making being retained at the senior management level. This makes private sector more efficient in decision making. Market Economy Another difference between private and public sectors is the market economy and economic systems. The public sector has to provide